TruVision prides itself on quality assurance and accessibility. Every display received by us goes through final assembly and a final quality check at our facility in Dallas, Texas. Each shipment includes spare parts in case there is a need for repair during installation, or somewhere down the line.

We are dedicated to educating and training AV companies around the nation on how our technology works and is installed so that repairs can be more comfortable and accessible for our customers. If a customer has a preferred AV company, as long as they are trained, that company could do the installation and handle any repairs as long as they’re TruVision certified.

We have a goal of bringing 90% of our display assembly back to the United States. While the final assembly is done by our Dallas team, we would like to bring almost all aspects of the assembly process inside the country for quality guarantee and job market stimulation. We’re dedicated to giving jobs that would otherwise be outsourced back to American citizens.